Pictures, images, Polaroids, 5×7, Tri-X, proof sheet, Canon, Nikon, all names that said photography. And then one day, your phone became your camera. And it was good.
I started with a Nikon 35mm, I loved black and white (it was also cheaper) I loved photography for several reasons:
It catches a moment—time, self contained and somewhat permanent. It caught the laughter, the joy of places and people, to be revisited time and time again.
The word Photography literally means ‘drawing with light’, which derives from the Greek photo, meaning light and graph, meaning to draw.
For me, photography was always about mood.
In New York City in the 60s, legendary art director Alexey Brodovitch conduced the Design Laboratory. Split between design and photography. His students included: Diane Arbus, Eve Arnold, David Attie, Richard Avedon, Harvey Lloyd, Hiro, Lisette Model, Garry Winogrand, Joel Meyerowitz and Tony Ray-Jones.
What I recall ( I was not there, for the record) was that someone brought in an out-of-focus image and he loved it.
I have no idea what makes a good photograph—I do come from the school of “don’t over think it.” I know a good photograph when I see it (that is the job of a good art director) and more when I take pictures, seriously look for something unique, different.